The Museum is temporarily closed for renovation.

Thank you, Concord Rotary!

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Team Concord Rotary
For the second year in a row, the Concord Historical Society’s history campus was the focus of Concord Rotary’s annual “All Hands On” Community Service Workday.

Over 30 enthusiastic members and friends of Concord Rotary distributed 40 cubic yards of wood chips–that’s some 400 wheelbarrow loads–among the flower beds and open areas of the Galindo Home and Gardens and the Concord Museum and Event Center. All this in under 3 hours this recent Earth Day, April 22,

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40 cubic yards!
In addition to Concord Rotary, the Concord Historical Society is pleased to acknowledge Concord Disposal Service, which donated the supply of wood chips, and Cresco Equipment Rentals, which supplied a number of the wheelbarrows.
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Rotarians as work
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Tour of Concord Museum and Event Center

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