The renovation of the former Masonic Temple building is well on its way. The Concord Museum & Event Center is on its way. With the installation of its new foundation and roof, the basics were accomplished in 2014. In March 2015, the sewer line was hooked up. Some structural changes were made to the second floor and attic. In addition, the bathroom spaces were reconfigured while leaving the quaint ladies’ lounge intact. Because the building will be totally rewired and plumbed beginning this month, it made sense to remove the lath and plaster to facilitate this part of the project. This also will allow us to insulate all the walls and ceiling (the building was not originally insulated) and save on utility bills in the future. The rewiring will include audio visual needs for the stage and dance floor, and for the Resource Center computer and copying center. Although not a part of the building renovation, we also erected a replica of the Galindo family’s original well tank house behind the home; it will house our water well equipment and be used to store tables and chairs used in garden events.
The spring 2015 schedule includes the construction of our lighted parking lot and required street improvements. A rain water drainage system will be installed too. Next will be the installation of the building fire suppression system, painting the exterior and interior, refinishing the dance floor, and constructing the museum and Resource Center display and storage areas. All the windows will need refurbishing. A major sub-project is the construction of a two-story (plus basement) addition to the rear of the building. The basement will accommodate the elevator and include a storage area. The first floor will be used for a utility room and caterer’s kitchen. The second floor will include the museum office, Resource Center and another storage area.
Projected completion of all but the addition is in October 2016. All the work, including the addition, depend on raising the needed funds. To date, $478,967 has been expended. Currently, the Museum Fund has just $205,473 available for the remaining work. It is clear that our fundraising efforts must be intensified.