Volunteer Luncheon 2019
After welcoming everybody, Carol introduced Joanne who talked about the docents and the Galindo Home. Jill Endicott, co-chair of the November 16th dinner auction, caught everyone up to date with auction plans and MJ Coleman, our vendor captain for the Gingerbread Boutique, was introduced. A moment of thanks and gratitude was given to Kay Massone, Judy Trette and Gloria Mattson–three of our cherished volunteers that have passed
Many thanks and appreciation to Estella Barkley and her sidekick Dee Yount for the decorations and a big thanks to Gail Van tassel for the yummy hors d’oeuvres.
If you care to join the crew of CHS volunteers, contact Joanne Fryer, Carol Longshore or check out the website: concordhistorical.org.
A big thank you to all for keeping the Concord historical Society up and running.